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Our Students

  • Student Spotlight: Lucas Lopes

    Lucas LopesLucas Lopes enjoyed his internship with the City of Orlando Economic Development Division, where he worked on a Community Food Assessment. Lucas actively collaborated with the food policy council, “Good Food Central Florida” and “Local Roots.”

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  • Student Spotlight: Jenna Davis

    Jenna DavisJenna Davis observed that “Throughout my time as a Sustainability Studies student, my coursework has not only given these issues complex and profound meaning, but has also introduced me to the many creative and innovative ways we as a society can address them.

    As a double major with Environmental Sciences, I find it an exciting opportunity to learn how humanity affects the natural world, how it in turn affects us, and how best to live within its bounds. The beauty of this degree resides in its applicability to nearly every other area of study, from the sciences to business to engineering to the social sciences and beyond.”

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  • Student Spotlight: Kelly Baker

    Kelly BakerKelly Baker volunteered on Tuscawilla prairie, at a local environmental education center, contributing her talents to the local community.  After graduating, Kelly began a  program in Environmental Law.


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  • Intern Spotlight

    Luis Suarez

    Luis Suarez

    Luis Suarez, a Sustainability Studies student with a minor in business administration, completed an internship position with AmeriCorps in Idaho! For this internship, he spent five months working on projects such as GPS/GIS tracking and trail restoration and management. Luis also helped the UF Physical Plant Division write a proposal to install solar panels on campus and with a project involving teaching for the LEED certification exams. Nice work Luis!

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  • Intern Spotlight: Bell Carson

    Bell Carson Internship

    Sustainability Studies student Bell Carson received the Star Volunteer of the Year award with the City of Gainesville for her work with Friends of Nature Parks during her senior year capstone project in Sustainability Studies. Congratulations, Bell!

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