University of Florida Homepage

Augmenting Sustainability

An AR Tour of Gator Country

What is Augmenting Sustainability?

The University of Florida campus and the greater Gainesville community boast many sustainable initiatives and achievements, from LEED-certified green buildings, to vibrant nature conservation areas, to active tailgating recycling programs. In turn, there are many sustainability opportunities that still need to be realized. Augmenting Sustainability allows students and community members to experience just how green Gator country really is, and to contribute their ideas and opinions to the project of making it ever greener.


Our augmented reality (AR) tour takes you across the University of Florida campus and into the surrounding community to directly experience sustainability Points of Interest (POIs).  These POIs will include an increasing array of endeavors and accomplishments, such as solar panel installations, energy-efficient buildings, natural green spaces, organic gardens, and projects and programs that promote social empowerment (which is a crucial component of a sustainable community). The tour is an interactive, augmented reality experience: all you need is a smartphone, a freely downloadable app, and a few minutes to enjoy the tour.

The process is simple and fun—and you can have an impact!

Your tour can last as long as you want; and you can tailor it to best satisfy your curiosity. As you learn about sustainability initiatives and achievements across the campus and community, you can also let us know where and how more can be done.  Got an idea about how to make Gabor country a little greener?  Add it to our interactive Ideas and Suggestions page, the Augmenting Sustainability wish-list.  Students in UF’s Sustainability Studies program will be studying the best proposals, and exploring ways to implement them.  Very soon, your idea may become a reality, and one of our featured Points of Interest (or POI)!

So, enjoy the experience.  And help us green Gator country.

Get involved in Augmenting Sustainability today!