Sustainability Studies promotes UF’s Active Learning Program, and can provide students with Cluster Course credit for most of the internship opportunities this program offers. Students are also encouraged to consider a wide array of Study Abroad programs.
All Sustainability Studies Majors enroll in the experiential Capstone Course, Sustainability in Action.

Sustainability in Action (IDS 4942) enables students to blend theory and practice by putting their knowledge of sustainability to work. It provides classroom instruction with experiential learning and research opportunities. As individuals or in teams, students create and implement practical means to foster social, ecological, and economic sustainability.
Students in Sustainability in Action have created non-profit organizations, developed a Sustainability Pledge for graduating seniors, and have gained hands-on experience in a wide array of projects and organizations, including:
- Abundant Edible Landscapes
- Action Network
- Active Streets
- Agroecosystem Ecology Laboratory
- Alachua Conservation Trust (ACT)
- Alachua County Commission
- Alachua County Cultural Arts Coalition
- Alachua County Environmental Protection Department
- Alachua County Partners for a Productive Community
- Alachua County Facilities Management Department
- Alachua County SEEDS Office
Alpha-Omega Training and Compliance
- Alachua Habitat for Humanity
- Ashton Biological Preserve
- Bearded Brothers Deconstruction
- Beaten Path Compost
- Bishop Study Center (Harn)
- Blue Oven
- Brave Harvest
- Camp McConnell
- Carbon Solutions
- Children Beyond Our Borders
- Cinema Verde
- Citizens for Social Justice
- City of Gainesville Parks and Recreation
- City of Gainesville Zero Waste Committee
- Civic Media Center (CMC)
- Conservation Burial (Prairie Creek)
- Conservation Initiative for the Asian Elephant
- Conservation Florida
- Crones Cradle
- Community Weatherization Coalition (CWC)
- Days for Girls
- DOT bike
- Edible Plant Project
- Environment Florida
- Field and Fork Gardens
- Fleet Farming
- Florida Climate Institute
- Florida Earth Action Resources
- Florida for Good
- Florida Institute for Sustainable Energy
- Florida Master Naturalist Program–IFAS
- Florida Museum of Natural History
- Florida Organic Growers
- Florida Outdoor Learning Collective
- Florida Springs Institute
- Florida’s Eden
- Forage Farm
- Friends of Paynes Prairie
- Gainesville City Commission
- Compost Gainesville
- Interfaith Alliance & Immigrant Justice
- Gainesville City Commission
- Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU)
- Gainesville Sun
- Gator Dining
- Gainesville Environmental Citizens Organization
- GNV Farmers Market
- Great American Cleanup
- Green Market Plant Nursery
- GrowHub
- Harn Museum Hodge Farms
- HealthStreet
- Hogtown Creek Headwaters Nature Center
- Howard Bishop School Garden
- Indigo Green Store
- International Carbon Bank and Exchange
- Kanapaha Botanical Gardens
- Keep Alachua County Beautiful
- Kickstand, Gainesville community bike project
- Krishna CARES
- League of Women Voters
- Life Unplastic
- LiveGreen
- Gardening Program at Lake Forest Elementary School
- Morningside Nature Center
- Nicoya Farm
- North Florida Land Trust
- North Florida Sewing Center
- OneHealth
- On Purpose
- Operation Catnip
- Opus Coffee
- PACE Center for Girls
- Peaceful Paths
- Power Production Management
- Prairie Creek Conservation Cemetery
- Prometheon Pharma
- Public Interest Research Group (PIRG)
- Pure Energy Solar
- Rainforest Action Network
- Rebuilding Together
- Recycle Across America
- Repurpose Project
- Resilience Charter School
- River Phoenix Center for Peace-Building
- Rwanda Sustainable Families
- Samuel Proctor Oral History Program
- Save Our Suwannee
- Sea Turtle Conservancy
- Seminole Electric
- Siembra Farms
- Sierra Club
- Smathers Library
- Solar Impact
- Study Edge
- Sunrise Movement GNV
- Sustainability Studies Newsletter and Alumni Network
- Sustainable Alachua County
- Swallowtail Farms
- Sweetwater Organic Coffee
- Taccachale
- The Farm at Okefenokee
- The Tuscawilla Learning Center
- 1000 Friends of Florida
- Transition Micanopy
- Tree Hill Nature Center
- TRC Companies
- U.S. Green Building Council’s Heart of Florida Chapter
- UF CAIRES (Center for Adaptive Innovation, Resilience, Ethics and Science)
- UF Ethnoecology Garden
- UF Environmental Toxicology Lab
- UF Food Resource Economics Department
- UF Gator Sustainability Network
- UF Greeks Going Green
- UF Honey Bee Lab
- UF Habitat for Humanity
- UF Horticultural Teaching Gardens
- UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension
- UF Natural Area Teaching Laboratory
- UF Office of Sustainability
- UF Samuel Procter Oral History Program
- UF Roots and Shoots
- UF Thompson Earth Systems Institute
- UF Student Compost Cooperative
- UF Water Institute
- We Are Neutral
- Wilmot Botanical Gardens
- Working Food
- YouthBuild